Mission & Vision
We desire to be a church that proclaims the truth of the Gospel, rest in the work of Jesus, rejoices in the hope of the Resurrection, and works for the furthering of God's Kingdom.
Core Values

God's Word
God has given us His very words. They are not just a list of rules or moral stories that enable us to be good people, but they are Life itself. These words from beginning to end form an everlasting story of grace. It transforms and changes people! God’s word is our authority and the feast we sit at for spiritual nourishment.

Prayer permeates every aspect of our church and ministry, not because we have to but because we are totally and utterly dependent on God’s work. We pray, both individually and corporately, because God really listens and answers the prayers of His people.

The Gospel empowers us to serve others not to earn God’s Love, but because of it. As a Church we seek to love our neighbors: doing good works, speaking gracious truths, and valuing the beauty of our county. We do this for the glory of God and the good of others, declaring the gospel with our words and deeds.

Joyful Celebration
In our sin, God cast us from the garden, so we would not eat of the Tree of Life, but through Jesus, he invites us to return. Offering Himself as the Bread of Life, as Jesus says, “Take and eat.” The Hope we possess as Christians gives reason for Joyful Celebration as we laugh in the face of the last great enemy.

We are transformed by the Gospel into a community of people marked by the grace of God, leaving behind any idea of self-righteousness or pretense. We are joined together for mutual love, encouragement, care, and good deeds.